Sunday 23 February 2014

How To Cure Insomnia In 12 Minutes

Blog By : Adnan

I was badly afflicted with insomnia last winter in Perth, Australia. While many people hibernate through winter, I was kept up by the coldness and stress in general. It was overwhelming me — exams, rental, a triathlon and a crazy boss. My cognitive demands were almost ceaseless.When a new Bikram yoga studio sprung up in my suburb, I was happy. Instead of going out and running in the cold, I could keep up with my exercise indoors instead. I paid up for a trial. I went into the searing hot room and did my first class. I was in “child’s pose” for most of it, because I was spinning from the heat! 
That night, I slept like a baby. 
Was it the heat? Maybe. Was it the yoga? Definitely.
Yoga reduces arousal in general. Bonnet and Arand (1995) suggested that insomnia is caused by inappropriate arousal, and isn’t a sleep disorder. Most insomniacs will attest to this — they can’t sleep because something is going on in their minds. They can’t relax enough to fall asleep. 
According to Karen Then, Studio Director of Bikram Yoga Victoria Park, improved breathing patterns from yoga relieves stress. She also shared that mental and emotional aspects ease factors that contribute to insomnia. This allows the sleepless to return to normal sleeping patterns. 
Bir S. Khalsa (2004) recruited chronic insomniacs who had to practice Kundalini yoga for an hour daily over eight weeks in the evening prior to bedtime. Participants were taught to use long and slow abdominal breathing, focusing on breathing or a mantra. They were to return their attention to the breath whenever the mind wandered. For 11 minutes, the participants meditated on their breathing using the ratio of inhale to hold to exhale of 4 seconds to 16 seconds to 2 seconds. They remained seated, while maintaining an erect and relaxed spine. Here's an example of the sort of exercise you can do to relieve your insomnia and help you achieve sleep:
1 to 3 minutes: Long and slow abdominal breathing
3to 5 minutes: Arms extended vertically at 60-degree angle, with upward-facing flat palms
5 to 7 minutes: Arms extended horizontally with straight wrists and flat palms 
7 to 9 minutes: Palms pushed together by arms 
9 to 11 minutes: The palms are now rested in the lap, facing upwards. The right palm is resting over the left with thumbs touching. 
The breathing exercise improved total sleep time, sleep quality and sleep efficiency. The time spent awake decreased as well. 
Karen recommends the following postures for insomniacs to help with their rest as well:
Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee Pose
Wind Removing Pose
Half Tortoise
Half Spinal Twist 
Sleep tight!

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